We believe the Bible is God’s inspired, inerrant word to mankind. We believe in one true God, eternally existing in three persons; Father, Son and Holy Spirit; equal in authority, power and glory and always acting in unity. We believe the Son (Jesus Christ) came from heaven to be born of a virgin. He was the God-man, perfect in His humanity. He lived, died (crucified on a cross) for our sins, was buried and three days later arose from the dead. His death was the satisfactory sacrifice to pay the penalty (death) for sins. He now sits at the right hand of the Father making intercession for believers.
H1: We are Committed to the Expository Preaching of God’s Word.
We are committed to the authority and sufficiency of Scripture, and therefore we are committed to faithful exposition which entails the reading, explaining, and application of consecutive texts each Lord’s Day. This enables us to go deep into God’s Word, exploring its fullness, while safeguarding us from aberrant teaching that results from taking verses out of their context and the temptation to skip over difficult passages. Passage by passage, book by book, we desire to unpack and apply the whole counsel of God to our hearts and lives.
H2: We Believe in Biblical Leadership by Gifted, Qualified, Compassionate Men
We believe the biblical model of leadership to be a plurality of qualified elders in each local church. Not only is this taught in Scripture, but it provides mutual accountability, collective wisdom, and a sharing of the joys and burdens of ministry among the elders while ensuring that the flock is properly taught, protected, and shepherded.
H3: We Adhere to the Necessity of Believer’s Baptism by Immersion
We practice baptism by immersion for those who have professed faith in Christ. Baptism is a symbol of the believer’s identification with Christ and His church. We practice baptism by immersion for those who have professed faith in Christ. Baptism is a symbol of the believer’s identification with Christ and His church. We practice baptism by immersion for those who have professed faith in Christ. Baptism is a symbol of the believer’s identification with Christ and His church.
H4: We are Committed to the Expository Preaching of God’s Word.
We are committed to the authority and sufficiency of Scripture, and therefore we are committed to faithful exposition which entails the reading, explaining, and application of consecutive texts each Lord’s Day. This enables us to go deep into God’s Word, exploring its fullness, while safeguarding us from aberrant teaching that results from taking verses out of their context and the temptation to skip over difficult passages. Passage by passage, book by book, we desire to unpack and apply the whole counsel of God to our hearts and lives.
H5 ALL-CAPS: We Believe in Biblical Leadership by Gifted, Qualified, Compassionate Men. Again, We Believe in Biblical Leadership by Gifted, Qualified, Compassionate Men.
We believe the biblical model of leadership to be a plurality of qualified elders in each local church. Not only is this taught in Scripture, but it provides mutual accountability, collective wisdom, and a sharing of the joys and burdens of ministry among the elders while ensuring that the flock is properly taught, protected, and shepherded.
H6: We Adhere to the Necessity of Believer’s Baptism by Immersion
We practice baptism by immersion for those who have professed faith in Christ. Baptism saves no one and has no merit in God’s eyes. Rather, it is both an act of obedience as well as a symbol of the believer’s identification with Christ and His church. We practice baptism by immersion for those who have professed faith in Christ. Baptism saves no one and has no merit in God’s eyes. Rather, it is both an act of obedience as well as a symbol of the believer’s identification with Christ and His church.